About the Journal
Aims and Scope
The Medphoenix, Journal of National Medical College (JNMC), is an international, official, peer-reviewed, open-access biomedical journal that provides an advanced forum for research in pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular medicine, and all aspects of basic and clinical research. It has been published online biannually by National Medical College since 2016.
To ensure wider readership, Medphoenix, Journal of National Medical College (JNMC) encourages articles of general interest as well as scientific articles, based on topics relevant to our region. Our journal allows free access (Open Access) on its contents and permits authors to self-archive the final accepted version of the articles.
We accept original scientific research articles, comprehensive reviews, communications, case reports, commentaries, brief reports, viewpoints, clinical experiences, book, book chapter and editorial letters containing new insight into any aspect of Medical, Dental and Allied Health Sciences. The journal is particularly interested and welcomes papers in basic and clinical medical sciences, medical education, public health, hospital and healthcare management.
Peer Review Process
All submitted articles are duly acknowledged. Upon receipt, manuscripts will be reviewed for potential publication with the understanding that they are exclusive to MED PHOENIX and have not been submitted, published, or accepted elsewhere. Editors will initially screen all submissions. Selected manuscripts will then be sent to expert peer reviewers for a blind review process. Articles lacking originality, significant scientific merit, or not following the guidelines appropriately may be rejected. Manuscripts with potential but requiring significant revisions are returned to authors for improvement.
The editorial board retains the final authority to accept or reject articles, considering peer reviews and editorial assessment. The corresponding author will be informed of the review outcome and, if necessary, provided with reviewer comments for revision. Revised manuscripts must be submitted within the specified timeframe.
Accepted articles undergo copyediting for grammar, punctuation, and formatting. Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for review and must be returned within 48-72 hours. Failure to meet this deadline may result in publication delays or rejection.
Article processing/publication fees
Medphoenix does not charge authors any submission, processing, or publication fees.
Publication Frequency
Med Phoenix, the Journal of National Medical College, publishes two issues per year (June and December).
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content, aligning with the principle that freely sharing research fosters a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Copyright Policy
Articles in MED PHOENIX are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY), enabling unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Users' personal details remain confidential and are used solely for publication, communication, and notification purposes.
National Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Birgunj, Nepal
Sources of Support
MED PHOENIX is supported by National Medical College
Med Phoenix
ISSN 2392-425X; eISSN 2631-1992
For official purposes, please contact:
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sah
Managing Editor
Office of Medphoenix
National Medical College and Teaching Hospital
P.O. Box 78, Birgunj-18, Parsa, Nepal