Medphoenix strongly encourages the use of iThenticate (Turnitin), a leading plagiarism detection software, to ensure the originality of all articles and theses. Medphoenix provides convenient and cost-effective plagiarism checking services using iThenticate to a diverse community of researchers, including academicians, both basic and clinical scientists, and students.

Medphoenix checks the possible plagiarism of all submitted manuscript. The plagiarism reports are made on each article. Editors make the final decision according to the plagiarism reports. Overall plagiarism, including the use of scientific words and medical terms, should be less than 20%. Exceeding this threshold will be considered plagiarism, and authors might be asked to edit their manuscripts or manuscripts might be terminated from the process.

All the responsibilities of the manuscripts regarding plagiarism belongs to the authors. On the basis of extent of the plagiarism, the editorial team will decide whether to accept the manuscript and proceed for the further peer-review process or reject the manuscript from the Editorial Identification & Dealing with Research Misconduct desk. The plagiarism is an act of copying someone’s theories, ideas, or statements without giving the explicit acknowledgement to the author of the original source. It is assumed unethical in scientific writing.

Any text with someone’s views, ideas, findings should be explicitly acknowledged and any photograph, figure and graphic materials reproduced from another source should be presented with permission from the person or copyright holder. The editorial board of the JNMC will not accept manuscript with plagiarism in any form.

Once the plagiarism is identified, the Editor will warn the author with its future consequences, and ask to revise the manuscript converting the plagiarized content into the unique one. If the authors do not correct it, the editorial board will take action on the basis of the degree of plagiarism under the following guidelines.

Plagiarism Offense Type I (Minor Offense):  If some portion (less than two complete paragraph or less than 15% of the total content) of any article is plagiarized without significant data or idea, then it is assumed to have minor plagiarism offence. Penalties: The last warning with the possibilities of penalties of type II and type III offence is given to the author(s) and asked to resubmit the manuscript after rewriting the plagiarized contents of the manuscript with proper citation of the original article.

Plagiarism Offense Type II (Intermediate Offense): If a significant portion (more than two complete paragraph or less than 25% of the total content) of any article is plagiarized without significant data or idea, then it is assumed to have intermediate plagiarism offence. Penalties: The submitted article is rejected and the author(s) is/are not allowed to resubmission of the manuscript at least for one year.

Plagiarism Offense Type III (Severe Offense): If a significant portion (more than 25% of the total content) of any article is plagiarized with significant data or idea, then it is assumed to have severe plagiarism offence. Penalties: The paper is rejected and the author(s) is/are kept in blacklist for 3 to 10 years of time depending on the severity of the plagiarism.