Peer Review
The author has to submit their manuscript according to the Medphoenix policy. All articles received are duly acknowledged. The manuscripts will be reviewed for possible publication with the understanding that they are being submitted to one journal at a time and have not been published, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere.
We follow the double-blind peer-review process. It usually takes 6 weeks, which includes 2 weeks for peer review by national and/or international reviewers but may take longer depending upon workloads.
The received manuscript is reviewed initially by assigned editor and manuscripts, not able to satisfy Medphoenix or articles with insufficient originality, serious scientific and technical flaws, or lack of a significant message, plagiarized matter, and not following the guidelines appropriately are rejected or if good article are written poorly then author are requested to re-submit after the revision according to the journal’s format.
All submitted articles will undergo peer review with blinding for two peer reviewers, simultaneously. If the decision conflicts between the two, it will be sent to a third peer reviewer.
The Executive Editor, together with the editorial board will ensure the following peer review policy:
- Double-blind: The manuscript will be blinded when sending out for review. The author is anonymous to the reviewer and the reviewer is anonymous to the author as well.
- One-stage review or Two-stage review: JNMC usually follows the one-stage review. The reviewer is involved in the initial review of the manuscript only, i.e. not involved in evaluating the revisions made by the author based on the reviewer's comments. Rather, the Chief Editor carries the manuscript forward following the initial review. In rare, controversial, and special circumstances, JNMC can follow the two-stage review. Those papers that require revision as suggested by the reviewer will be sent back to that same reviewer to evaluate the manuscript once again after revised re-submission from the author.
When the article is received from peer reviewer there will be one of the following outcomes and the decision choices include:
Accept Submission: The submission will be accepted without revisions.
Revisions Required: The submission will be accepted after minor changes have been made according to the reviewer's comment.
Resubmit for Review: The submission needs to be re-worked, but with significant changes, it may be accepted. It will require a second round of review, however.
Resubmit elsewhere: When the submission does not meet the focus and scope of JNMC
Decline Submission: The submission will not be published in the journal.
After review, manuscripts are returned to authors for necessary corrections and should be returned to the editorial office. The returned manuscripts are once again being reviewed by the editorial board. Page proofs are again sent to the corresponding author, which has to be returned within three days. Non-response to proof copy may delay the publication of the same article, may publish proof copy article as same or may even get rejected from the JNMC. The editorial board reserves the right to do necessary modifications in the text, photographs, and illustrations to improve understanding without affecting the original gist of the manuscript.
JNMC respects the views, opinions, comments, and decision of the reviewer. However, the right for acceptance and rejection of the manuscript is reserved with the Chief Editor, based on maintaining the integrity of the science, following the guideline of ICJME, WAME, CSE, COPE.
The editors will be responsible for directing the manuscripts to the appropriate reviewers who have the knowledge and/or expertise in the requisite fields.
Peer Reviewers will be provided with Review Guidelines, once they accept to review the submission. JNMC will rate reviewers on a five-point quality scale after each review.