A Hospital Based Study of Profile of Anterior Uveitis in Tertiary Care Hospital of Nepal

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Joshi SL
Kaiti R


Anterior uveitis is the most common form of intraocular inflammationwith avarying degree of incidence in the general population. lnspite of advanced investigational and research facilities anterior uveitis still remains a significant cause of visual impairment in the developing and also in the developed countries.The aimofthis study was to determine the profile of anterior uveitis and outcome following the treatment presenting to Ophthalmology Department of Dhulikhel Hospital.

This was aprospective hospital-based study done atthe Department of Ophthalmologyin Dhulikhel Hospital, Kathmandu University Hospital for a period of one year.All the patients with anterior uveitis aged 5 years and above attending the outpatients department were included into the study. A detailed epidemic-logical data was collected and complete ocular examination was performedbythe Ophthalmo-logist.

A total of 7950 patients were seen in the Ophthalmology outpatient department during a one year period, out of which 43 patients were cases of anterior uveitis. The overall prevalence of anterior uveitis was 5.4%.Among the screened patients, there were 31 males (72.1%) and 12 females (27.9%). The largest proportion of respondents contributed was 20-29 years old that is 13.

Anterior uveitis is a common ocular problem. Often it is misdiagnosed, as the presenting symptoms are minimal. This can lead to permanent visual impairment. The early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can save the vision without significant sequelae and good visualoutcome.

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Research Articles